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  Domain Name: BRCA2DBD_OB1
BRCA2DBD_OB1: A subfamily of OB folds corresponding to the first OB fold (OB1) of the 800-amino acid C-terminal ssDNA binding domain (DBD) of BRCA2 (breast cancer susceptibility gene 2) protein, called BRCA2DBD. BRCA2 participates in homologous recombination-mediated repair of double-strand DNA breaks. It stimulates the displacement of Replication protein A (RPA), the most abundant eukaryotic ssDNA binding protein. It also facilitates filament formation. Mutations that map throughout the BRCA2 protein are associated with breast cancer susceptibility. BRCA2 is a large nuclear protein and its most conserved region is the C-terminal BRCA2DBD. BRCA2DBD binds ssDNA in vitro, and is composed of five structural domains, three of which are OB folds (OB1, OB2, and OB3). BRCA2DBD OB2 and OB3 are arranged in tandem, and their mode of binding can be considered qualitatively similar to two OB folds of RPA1, DBD-A and DBD-B (the major DBDs of RPA). BRCA2DBD OB1 binds DNA weakly.
No pairwise interactions are available for this conserved domain.

Total Mutations Found: 2
Total Disease Mutations Found: 2
This domain occurred 1 times on human genes (1 proteins).


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 The histograms below the weblogo indicate mutations found on the domain. Red is for disease (OMIM) and blue is for SNPs.

 Functional Features are displayed as orange boxes under the histograms. You can choose which features are displayed in the box below.

Range on the Protein:  

   Protein ID            Protein Position

Domain Position:  

Feature Name:Total Found:
generic binding surface I
binding surface II

Weblogos are Copyright (c) 2002 Regents of the University of California

Please Cite: Peterson, T.A., Adadey, A., Santana-Cruz ,I., Sun, Y., Winder A, Kann, M.G., (2010) DMDM: Domain Mapping of Disease Mutations. Bioinformatics 26 (19), 2458-2459.

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