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  Domain Name: Chemokine_CX3C
Chemokine_CX3C: 1 of 4 subgroup designations based on the arrangement of the two N-terminal cysteines; differ structurally from the other subgroups in that they are attached to a membrane-spanning domain via a mucin-like stalk and can be proteolytically cleaved to a freely diffusible form; chemotatic for T cells, monocytes, and natural killer cells; function as monomers and are found only in vertebrates and a few viruses; currently only fractalkine (sometimes called neurotactin) has been identified as a member of this subfamily; the primary source of fractalkine is neurons, and they exhibit cell adhesion and chemoattractive properties in the central nervous system. See CDs: Chemokine (cd00169) for the general alignment of chemokines, or Chemokine_CXC (cd00273), Chemokine_CC (cd00272), and Chemokine_C (cd00271) for the additional chemokine subgroups.
No pairwise interactions are available for this conserved domain.

Total Mutations Found: 4
Total Disease Mutations Found: 0
This domain occurred 7 times on human genes (12 proteins).

 If you've navigated here from a protein, hovering over a position on the weblogo will display the corresponding protein position for that domain position.

 The histograms below the weblogo indicate mutations found on the domain. Red is for disease (OMIM) and blue is for SNPs.

 Functional Features are displayed as orange boxes under the histograms. You can choose which features are displayed in the box below.

Range on the Protein:  

   Protein ID            Protein Position

Domain Position:  

Feature Name:Total Found:
dimer interface
putative receptor binding
putative glycosaminoglyca
putative glycosaminoglyca
putative N-linked glycosy

Weblogos are Copyright (c) 2002 Regents of the University of California

Please Cite: Peterson, T.A., Adadey, A., Santana-Cruz ,I., Sun, Y., Winder A, Kann, M.G., (2010) DMDM: Domain Mapping of Disease Mutations. Bioinformatics 26 (19), 2458-2459.

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