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  Domain Name: DUF1042
Domain of Unknown Function (DUF1042). Spef is a region of sperm flagellar proteins. It probably exerts a role in spermatogenesis in that the protein is expressed predominantly in adult tissue. It is present in the tails of developing and epididymal sperm internal to the fibrous sheath and around the dense outer fibres of the sperm flagellum. The amino-terminal domain (residues 1-110) shows a possible calponin homology (CH) domain; however Spef does not bind actin directly under in vitro conditions, so the function of the amino-terminal calponin-like domain is unclear. Transcription aberrations leading to a truncated protein result in immotile sperm.
No pairwise interactions found for the domain DUF1042

Total Mutations Found: 10
Total Disease Mutations Found: 0
This domain occurred 3 times on human genes (6 proteins).

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 The histograms below the weblogo indicate mutations found on the domain. Red is for disease (OMIM) and blue is for SNPs.

 Functional Features are displayed as orange boxes under the histograms. You can choose which features are displayed in the box below.

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   Protein ID            Protein Position

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No Conserved Features/Sites Found for DUF1042

Weblogos are Copyright (c) 2002 Regents of the University of California

Please Cite: Peterson, T.A., Adadey, A., Santana-Cruz ,I., Sun, Y., Winder A, Kann, M.G., (2010) DMDM: Domain Mapping of Disease Mutations. Bioinformatics 26 (19), 2458-2459.

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