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  Domain Name: IL12p40_C
Cytokine interleukin-12p40 C-terminus. IL12p40_C is the largely beta stranded C-terminal, D3, domain of interleukin-12p40 or interleukin-12B. This interleukin is produced on stimulation by macrophage-engulfed micro-organisms and other stimuli, when it dimerises with interleukin-12p35 to form a heterodimer which then binds to receptors on natural killer cells to activate them to destroy the micro-organisms. This domain contains two disulfide bridges, one of which serves to bind p40 to p35 and the other to hold the beta strands within the domain together. The cupped shape of the p35 binding interface matches the elbow-like bend between D2 and D3 in p40. The domain is often associated with family fn3, pfam00041.
No pairwise interactions found for the domain IL12p40_C

Total Mutations Found: 0
Total Disease Mutations Found: 0
This domain occurred 1 times on human genes (2 proteins).

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 The histograms below the weblogo indicate mutations found on the domain. Red is for disease (OMIM) and blue is for SNPs.

 Functional Features are displayed as orange boxes under the histograms. You can choose which features are displayed in the box below.

Range on the Protein:  

   Protein ID            Protein Position

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No Conserved Features/Sites Found for IL12p40_C

Weblogos are Copyright (c) 2002 Regents of the University of California

Please Cite: Peterson, T.A., Adadey, A., Santana-Cruz ,I., Sun, Y., Winder A, Kann, M.G., (2010) DMDM: Domain Mapping of Disease Mutations. Bioinformatics 26 (19), 2458-2459.

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