| | Tips: The Domains on the Default View are decided by the Domain's E-Value. Clicking a check box will display or hide the correlated domain. To view the Gene page, either click on the link to the left or the blue bar above the Protein's graphic. |
Default View:
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Domains found on the Protein Table of Mutations found on the ProteinSource ↕ | Mut_ID ↕ | Class ↕ | HGVS ↕ | Disease ↕ |
Swiss-Prot | VAR_000127 | Disease | p.ALA141ASP | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000229 | Disease | p.ALA1006GLU | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000160 | Disease | p.ALA455GLU | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000217 | Disease | p.ALA800GLY | Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000239 | Disease | p.ALA1067THR | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000125 | Disease | p.ALA120THR | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000183 | Disease | p.ALA559THR | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000200 | Disease | p.ALA613THR | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000240 | Polymorphism | p.ALA1067VAL | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000269 | Disease | p.ALA1364VAL | Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000236 | Disease | p.ARG1066CYS | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000121 | Disease | p.ARG117CYS | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000102 | Polymorphism | p.ARG31CYS | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000212 | Polymorphism | p.ARG668CYS | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000241 | Disease | p.ARG1070GLN | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000141 | Disease | p.ARG297GLN | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000156 | Disease | p.ARG352GLN | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000181 | Disease | p.ARG553GLN | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | dbSNP | rs1800076 | Polymorphism | p.ARG75GLN | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000139 | Disease | p.ARG258GLY | Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000216 | Disease | p.ARG792GLY | Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000237 | Disease | p.ARG1066HIS | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000122 | Disease | p.ARG117HIS | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_009896 | Polymorphism | p.ARG170HIS | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000153 | Disease | p.ARG347HIS | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000238 | Disease | p.ARG1066LEU | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000252 | Polymorphism | p.ARG1162LEU | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000123 | Disease | p.ARG117LEU | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000103 | Disease | p.ARG31LEU | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000154 | Disease | p.ARG347LEU | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000184 | Disease | p.ARG560LYS | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000262 | Disease | p.ARG1283MET | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000215 | Disease | p.ARG766MET | Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000242 | Disease | p.ARG1070PRO | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000124 | Disease | p.ARG117PRO | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000155 | Disease | p.ARG347PRO | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000185 | Disease | p.ARG560SER | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000186 | Disease | p.ARG560THR | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_011564 | Disease | p.ARG1070TRP | Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_048152 | Polymorphism | p.ARG1453TRP | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000148 | Disease | p.ARG334TRP | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000110 | Disease | p.ARG74TRP | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000266 | Disease | p.ASN1303HIS | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000267 | Disease | p.ASN1303LYS | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000140 | Disease | p.ASN287TYR | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000260 | Disease | p.ASP1270ASN | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000194 | Disease | p.ASP572ASN | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000210 | Disease | p.ASP651ASN | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000105 | Disease | p.ASP44GLY | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000173 | Disease | p.ASP513GLY | Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000197 | Disease | p.ASP579GLY | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000201 | Disease | p.ASP614GLY | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000119 | Disease | p.ASP110HIS | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000251 | Disease | p.ASP1152HIS | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000106 | Polymorphism | p.ASP44VAL | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000209 | Disease | p.ASP648VAL | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000137 | Disease | p.CYS225ARG | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000221 | Disease | p.CYS866TYR | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000265 | Disease | p.GLN1291ARG | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000116 | Disease | p.GLN98ARG | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000264 | Disease | p.GLN1291HIS | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_009900 | Polymorphism | p.GLN353HIS | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000157 | Disease | p.GLN359LYS | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000243 | Disease | p.GLN1071PRO | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000167 | Disease | p.GLU504GLN | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000132 | Disease | p.GLU193LYS | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000219 | Disease | p.GLU822LYS | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000220 | Polymorphism | p.GLU826LYS | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000115 | Disease | p.GLU92LYS | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | dbSNP | rs1800098 | Polymorphism | p.GLY576ALA | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000233 | Disease | p.GLY1061ARG | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000129 | Disease | p.GLY149ARG | Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000130 | Disease | p.GLY178ARG | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000147 | Disease | p.GLY314ARG | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000207 | Disease | p.GLY628ARG | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000114 | Disease | p.GLY91ARG | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000268 | Disease | p.GLY1349ASP | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000179 | Disease | p.GLY551ASP | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000206 | Polymorphism | p.GLY622ASP | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000165 | Disease | p.GLY480CYS | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000256 | Disease | p.GLY1244GLU | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000257 | Disease | p.GLY1249GLU | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000146 | Disease | p.GLY314GLU | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000112 | Disease | p.GLY85GLU | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000180 | Disease | p.GLY551SER | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000162 | Disease | p.GLY458VAL | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000175 | Disease | p.GLY544VAL | Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000246 | Disease | p.HIS1085ARG | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000126 | Disease | p.HIS139ARG | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000133 | Disease | p.HIS199GLN | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000205 | Disease | p.HIS620GLN | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000204 | Disease | p.HIS620PRO | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000134 | Disease | p.HIS199TYR | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000225 | Disease | p.HIS949TYR | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000228 | Disease | p.ILE1005ARG | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000150 | Disease | p.ILE336LYS | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_009901 | Polymorphism | p.ILE506MET | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000218 | Disease | p.ILE807MET | Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000198 | Disease | p.ILE601PHE | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000117 | Disease | p.ILE105SER | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000128 | Disease | p.ILE148THR | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000202 | Disease | p.ILE618THR | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000254 | Disease | p.ILE1234VAL | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000168 | Polymorphism | p.ILE506VAL | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000169 | Polymorphism | p.ILE507VAL | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000235 | Disease | p.LEU1065ARG | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000163 | Polymorphism | p.LEU467PHE | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000227 | Disease | p.LEU997PHE | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000234 | Disease | p.LEU1065PRO | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000245 | Disease | p.LEU1077PRO | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_009895 | Polymorphism | p.LEU138PRO | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000152 | Disease | p.LEU346PRO | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000208 | Disease | p.LEU633PRO | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000182 | Disease | p.LEU558SER | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000193 | Disease | p.LEU571SER | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000199 | Disease | p.LEU610SER | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000203 | Disease | p.LEU619SER | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_009905 | Polymorphism | p.LEU967SER | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000136 | Disease | p.LEU206TRP | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | dbSNP | rs35032490 | Polymorphism | p.LYS532GLU | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_011565 | Disease | p.MET1101ARG | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000231 | Disease | p.MET1028ILE | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000226 | Disease | p.MET952ILE | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000248 | Disease | p.MET1101LYS | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000138 | Disease | p.MET244LYS | Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000249 | Disease | p.MET1137VAL | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000172 | Polymorphism | p.PHE508CYS | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000144 | Disease | p.PHE311LEU | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000213 | Polymorphism | p.PHE693LEU | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000113 | Disease | p.PHE87LEU | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000263 | Disease | p.PHE1286SER | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000232 | Disease | p.PHE1052VAL | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000195 | Disease | p.PRO574HIS | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000230 | Disease | p.PRO1013LEU | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000244 | Disease | p.PRO1072LEU | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000120 | Disease | p.PRO111LEU | Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000109 | Disease | p.PRO67LEU | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000135 | Disease | p.PRO205SER | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000255 | Disease | p.SER1235ARG | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000178 | Disease | p.SER549ARG | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000258 | Disease | p.SER1251ASN | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000143 | Disease | p.SER307ASN | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000176 | Disease | p.SER549ASN | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_009897 | Polymorphism | p.SER182GLY | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_009902 | Polymorphism | p.SER654GLY | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000177 | Disease | p.SER549ILE | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_009904 | Polymorphism | p.SER909ILE | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000222 | Polymorphism | p.SER912LEU | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000101 | Disease | p.SER13PHE | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000104 | Disease | p.SER42PHE | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000166 | Disease | p.SER492PHE | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | dbSNP | rs766874 | Polymorphism | p.SER605PHE | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000259 | Disease | p.SER1255PRO | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000107 | Disease | p.SER50TYR | Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000253 | Polymorphism | p.THR1220ILE | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000151 | Disease | p.THR338ILE | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_009899 | Polymorphism | p.THR351SER | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000211 | Disease | p.THR665SER | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000247 | Disease | p.TRP1098ARG | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000261 | Disease | p.TRP1282ARG | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000108 | Disease | p.TRP57GLY | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000189 | Disease | p.TYR563ASN | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000191 | Disease | p.TYR569ASP | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000118 | Disease | p.TYR109CYS | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000142 | Disease | p.TYR301CYS | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000190 | Disease | p.TYR569CYS | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000223 | Disease | p.TYR913CYS | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000224 | Disease | p.TYR917CYS | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000192 | Disease | p.TYR569HIS | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_009903 | Polymorphism | p.TYR903HIS | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000270 | Disease | p.VAL1397GLU | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000187 | Polymorphism | p.VAL562ILE | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000188 | Disease | p.VAL562LEU | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_009898 | Polymorphism | p.VAL322MET | N/A | dbSNP | rs213950 | Polymorphism | p.VAL470MET | N/A | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000214 | Disease | p.VAL754MET | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000161 | Disease | p.VAL456PHE | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | Swiss-Prot | VAR_000174 | Disease | p.VAL520PHE | Cystic fibrosis (CF) | OMIM | 602421.0130 | Disease | p.ALA445GLU | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0007 | Disease | p.ALA455GLU | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0069 | Disease | p.ALA534GLU | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0136 | Disease | p.ALA561GLU | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0055 | Disease | p.ALA1067THR | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0015 | Disease | p.ALA559THR | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0068 | Disease | p.ALA349VAL | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0058 | Disease | p.ARG1066CYS | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0092 | Disease | p.ARG352GLN | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0121 | Disease | p.ARG553GLN | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0054 | Disease | p.ARG1066HIS | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0005 | Disease | p.ARG117HIS | CYSTIC FIBROSIS||VAS DEFERENS, CONGENITAL BILATERAL ABSENCE OF, INCLUDED | OMIM | 602421.0078 | Disease | p.ARG347HIS | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0067 | Disease | p.ARG347LEU | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0052 | Disease | p.ARG560LYS | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0063 | Disease | p.ARG1283MET | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0006 | Disease | p.ARG347PRO | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0039 | Disease | p.ARG1158TER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0033 | Disease | p.ARG1162TER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0014 | Disease | p.ARG553TER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0036 | Disease | p.ARG851TER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0016 | Disease | p.ARG560THR | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0034 | Disease | p.ARG334TRP | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0114 | Disease | p.ASN1303HIS | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0032 | Disease | p.ASN1303LYS | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0060 | Disease | p.ASP1270ASN | VAS DEFERENS, CONGENITAL BILATERAL ABSENCE OF | OMIM | 602421.0004 | Disease | p.ASP110HIS | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0097 | Disease | p.ASP648VAL | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0047 | Disease | p.CYS524TER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0048 | Disease | p.GLN1291HIS | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0133 | Disease | p.GLN1352HIS | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0094 | Disease | p.GLN524HIS | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0065 | Disease | p.GLN359LYS | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0104 | Disease | p.GLN1071PRO | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0072 | Disease | p.GLN1238TER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0076 | Disease | p.GLN1313TER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0003 | Disease | p.GLN493TER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0096 | Disease | p.GLN552TER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0099 | Disease | p.GLN890TER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0134 | Disease | p.GLU217GLY | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0077 | Disease | p.GLU92LYS | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0131 | Disease | p.GLU7TER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0053 | Disease | p.GLU827TER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0082 | Disease | p.GLU92TER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0061 | Disease | p.GLY576ALA | VAS DEFERENS, CONGENITAL BILATERAL ABSENCE OF | OMIM | 602421.0079 | Disease | p.GLY91ARG | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0013 | Disease | p.GLY551ASP | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0083 | Disease | p.GLY480CYS | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0111 | Disease | p.GLY1249GLU | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0038 | Disease | p.GLY85GLU | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0037 | Disease | p.GLY551SER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0009 602421.0095 | Disease | p.GLY542TER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0135 | Disease | p.GLY1244VAL | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0028 | Disease | p.GLY458VAL | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0105 | Disease | p.HIS1085ARG | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0129 | Disease | p.HIS1282TER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0102 | Disease | p.HIS949TYR | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0110 | Disease | p.ILE1234VAL | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0090 | Disease | p.ILE556VAL | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0124 | Disease | p.LEU997PHE | PANCREATITIS, IDIOPATHIC, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO||HYPERTRYPSINEMIA, NEONATAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, INCLUDED | OMIM | 602421.0103 | Disease | p.LEU1065PRO | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0084 | Disease | p.LEU206TRP | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0098 | Disease | p.LYS710TER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0070 | Disease | p.LYS716TER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0137 | Disease | p.MET1101LYS | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0049 | Disease | p.PHE311LEU | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0080 | Disease | p.PHE1286SER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0018 | Disease | p.PRO574HIS | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0012 | Disease | p.SER549ARG | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0112 | Disease | p.SER1251ASN | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0010 | Disease | p.SER549ASN | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0011 | Disease | p.SER549ILE | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0135 | Disease | p.SER912LEU | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0051 | Disease | p.SER492PHE | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0113 | Disease | p.SER1255PRO | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0021 | Disease | p.SER1255TER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0119 | Disease | p.SER1455TER | SWEAT CHLORIDE ELEVATION WITHOUT CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0109 | Disease | p.THR1220ILE | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0087 | Disease | p.THR338ILE | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0065 | Disease | p.THR360LYS | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0088 | Disease | p.TRP1089TER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0107 | Disease | p.TRP1204TER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0022 | Disease | p.TRP1282TER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0029 | Disease | p.TRP1316TER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0075 | Disease | p.TRP57TER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0026 | Disease | p.TRP846TER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0017 | Disease | p.TYR563ASN | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0091 | Disease | p.TYR109CYS | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0027 | Disease | p.TYR913CYS | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0106 | Disease | p.TYR1092TER | CYSTIC FIBROSIS | OMIM | 602421.0046 | Disease | p.VAL520PHE | CYSTIC FIBROSIS |
Please Cite: Peterson, T.A., Adadey, A., Santana-Cruz ,I., Sun, Y., Winder A, Kann, M.G., (2010) DMDM: Domain Mapping of Disease Mutations. Bioinformatics 26 (19), 2458-2459.
DMDM_info@umbc.edu | 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD
21250 | Department of Biological Sciences | Phone: 410-455-2258 |