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  Domain Name: PTB_X11
X11-like Phosphotyrosine-binding (PTB) domain. The function of the neuronal protein X11 is unknown to date. X11 has a PTB domain followed by two PDZ domains. PTB domains have a common PH-like fold and are found in various eukaryotic signaling molecules. This domain was initially shown to binds peptides with a NPXY motif with differing requirements for phosphorylation of the tyrosine, although more recent studies have found that some types of PTB domains can bind to peptides lack tyrosine residues altogether. In contrast to SH2 domains, which recognize phosphotyrosine and adjacent carboxy-terminal residues, PTB-domain binding specificity is conferred by residues amino-terminal to the phosphotyrosine. PTB domains are classified into three groups: phosphotyrosine-dependent Shc-like, phosphotyrosine-dependent IRS-like, and phosphotyrosine-independent Dab-like PTB domains. This cd is part of the Dab-like subgroup.
No pairwise interactions are available for this conserved domain.

Total Mutations Found: 0
Total Disease Mutations Found: 0
This domain occurred 3 times on human genes (3 proteins).

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 The histograms below the weblogo indicate mutations found on the domain. Red is for disease (OMIM) and blue is for SNPs.

 Functional Features are displayed as orange boxes under the histograms. You can choose which features are displayed in the box below.

Range on the Protein:  

   Protein ID            Protein Position

Domain Position:  

Feature Name:Total Found:
peptide binding site
putative phosphoinositide

Weblogos are Copyright (c) 2002 Regents of the University of California

Please Cite: Peterson, T.A., Adadey, A., Santana-Cruz ,I., Sun, Y., Winder A, Kann, M.G., (2010) DMDM: Domain Mapping of Disease Mutations. Bioinformatics 26 (19), 2458-2459.

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