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News & Updates:

  • 02-24-14 - DMDM is now equipped with an automated pipeline that will sync with NCBI and UniProt once a month. To see current working versions of DMDM's databases, click the "About DMDM" tab or visit http://bioinf.umbc.edu/dmdm/about.php. The site has also been updated with several new features:
    • The WebLogo software has been upgraded to WebLogo Version 2.8
    • A new link has been added to the domain page to easily find all genes on which the domain is located.
    • The main search page can now search by mutations in HGVS format

  • 10-19-12 - A full update of all DMDM databases has been completed.
    To see current working versions of DMDM's databases, click the "About DMDM" tab or visit http://bioinf.umbc.edu/dmdm/about.php
  • 12-15-11 - UniProtKB is now linked to DMDM.
    To see all instances of DMDM links in UniProtKB, visit: http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/?query=database:dmdm

  • 09-21-11 - The main page of DMDM has been updated.
    The gene, protein, or domain category searches have been replaced by a single search bar. See the main page for example usage.

  • 06-18-11 - NCBI's LinkOut now includes links to DMDM.
    Links to DMDM can now be found in the LinkOut section on the NCBI's gene, protein, and CDD pages.

  • 03-02-11 - RefSeq and SwissProt protein redundancy has been corrected.
    For most proteins, RefSeq and Swiss-Prot represent identical sequences with different identifiers. To address this issue, all RefSeq protein sequences with identical sequences in Swiss-Prot have been collapsed into one protein entry with identifiers from both database.

  • 12-16-10 - A full update of all DMDM databases has been completed.
    To see current working versions of DMDM's databases, click the "About DMDM" tab or visit http://bioinf.umbc.edu/dmdm/about.php

   |   1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250   |   Department of Biological Sciences   |   Phone: 410-455-2258